Sunday, September 16, 2012

♥ Troy debates raising Senior Center fees

As published in the Courier-Tribune on September 16, 2012

By Hugh Martin

The Troy-Montgomery Senior Center was built for use by senior citizens on a daily basis and provides assistance for many needs of older citizens in the community. Services are provided Monday through Friday during regular business hours.

According to Troy Town Manager Greg Zephir, the building has become popular for hosting other events, many private, in the past couple of years. He and the Senior Center Director, Theresa Thomas, discussed the fee schedule with the Board of Commissioners at their September 10 meeting.

According to Zephir, the staff has been noticing an increase in the facility not being left in acceptable condition for the following day. The center is often rented multiple times over a weekend and it is difficult to determine who will receive their deposit back.

The discussion included the possibility of raising the fees in order to hire an employee to oversee the center at times that staff is ordinarily on site.

Commissioners tabled any action on the subject to a later meeting.

In other business the board:

• delayed a public hearing on a Community Development Block Grant for housing until their October 1 meeting.

• Agreed to have the School of Government assist the town with preparing a package for marketing the top two floors of the historic Troy Hotel building, which is owned by the town.

• Approved the purchase of a new John Deere tractor for $19,000.00 to replace an old one that was unusable and not able to be repaired.

• Learned that the Town of Troy has once again received a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association.

• Received an update on the paving work underway at the fire department building.

• Learned of the renewal of a partnership with Page Street Elementary School that will bring students to board meetings to share their thoughts on civic responsibility.

• Heard a report on activity at the swimming pool complex for 2012.

• Encouraged citizens to attend an open house celebration of stores in the downtown area on September 21 starting at 5:30 pm.

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