Monday, December 5, 2011

Troy awarded for excellence in financial reporting ♥

As published in the Courier-Tribune on or about November 10, 2011

By Hugh Martin

For the seventeenth time the Town of Troy has been awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States.

Troy Mayor Roy Maness presented the award to Cathy Maness, Town Clerk, during the November 7 meeting of the town board of commissioners.

“Not many towns get this award,” Mayor Maness said. “We’re proud of the job that has been done year after year, even before we ever knew this award was available.”

Town Clerk Maness said that she alone did not receive the award. “It’s a team effort,” she said.

In other business, Commissioners Angela Elkins, Bruce Hamilton, James Hurley, Chris Watkins and Wallace Jones:

• Were introduced to Ashley Sherrill, who was recently hired as Assistant Director of the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation. Sherrill will become director on July 1, 2012 following the retirement of current director Judy Stevens;

• Gave approval to a proposed Montgomery County Transportation Plan as it pertains to the town. The plan will also be presented to each municipal board in the county and the Montgomery County Commissioners;

• Approved a resolution to apply $5000.00 of a NC Rural Center grant to assist with some of the cost of grease buildup in the town sewer system;

• Approved a resolution to seek a Vacant Building Reuse grant from the NC Rural Development Center in the amount of $480,000.00 for use by Wright Foods in renovation of the facility they will occupy in the Troy Business Center. The town will provide a 5 percent match in the form of the value of adjacent land for future expansion by the company;

• Approved a façade grant of up to $1000.00 to Joann Blair Adams for renovations made to a commercial property on North Main Street;

• Approved December 26, 27 and 28 for the Christmas Holiday Schedule when all town offices will be closed;

• Learned from Town Manager Greg Zephir that Mayor Maness’ request for an investigation into gasoline price differences between the Troy area and surrounding had been taken over by the office of Congressman Kissell;

• Heard a report from Zephir on a proposed performance stage to be located in the downtown area;

•Thanked Zephir for his work on the recent banquet honoring the Troy Fire Department’s centennial.

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