Monday, April 25, 2011

MCC cuts six full time positions ♥

Published in the Courier-Tribune on April 24, 2011

by Hugh Martin

Budget cuts have resulted in the elimination of six full-time positions at Montgomery Community College.

During the April meeting of the Board of Trustees, MCC President Dr. Mary Kirk informed the board that contracts for Bill Maher, history instructor, and Jim Russell-Owen, administrative assistant for health/instructional faculty, will not be renewed. These were the only occupied positions eliminated.

Also being cut are unoccupied full-time positions in Autobody and Child Care and one position in Basic Law Enforcement, which will be filled by a part-time instructor. The board approved the employment of Tracey Wyrick to head the Criminal Justice program

MCC will not offer the Autobody program after August, due to outdated equipment, lack of late model vehicles for use by students, and the difficulty of graduates being able to find employment due to those factors.

Vice President of Instruction Matthew Woodard told board members that $46,000 in the Continuing Education Self-Supporting Class account was available to be used toward renovation of the Autobody Tech area for use for continuing education classes. The self-supporting funds are available for the college to use for program improvements. The board approved the renovations.

A housekeeping position will also be eliminated following the retirement of Carol Williams.

The trustees approved a motion to name the Gunsmithing program laboratory in honor of Brownell Inc. Brownell, a firearms company in Missouri, has contributed $55,000 for the program, along with equipment for use by the gunsmithing students.

Brownell executives have been invited to attend graduation exercises on May 11. Scott Ralls, N.C. Community College system president, will be the graduation speaker.

In other business, board members:

• Approved a policy on a formula for self-supporting classes for informational purposes.
• Accepted a bid of $10,017 from Squires Forestry to harvest timber on a 14-acre tract of college property.
• Approved the student fee schedule for the 2011-2012 school year.

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